
22, she/her/hers, desi

Welcome to my book blog! I’m just doing my best and trying to read more. 🙂

When I was younger, I was one of those kids finishing a book in a day and constantly reading something new. At some point in high school though, I started reading less and less. Over the past couple years, though, I’ve really been trying my best to pull myself out of that. Recently, I’ve found that it helps to be writing down my thoughts on what I’ve been reading, and I thought it would be worth it to organize it and put together a book blog. I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing, but hopefully I’ll figure it out as I go.

Some non-bookish facts about me: I love learning about mythology and art history, I have been getting into musical theater, I have the best mango lassi recipe, I write poetry and I’ve been published, and I hope to be an author one day (okay, that last one is still bookish but I’m including it anyway).

Review Policy + Posting Schedule

My favorite genres are fantasy, mysteries, and romance so you’ll mostly be seeing a lot of that. I love well-written villains, monsters, and other dark tropes. I also lean into YA and New Adult for the most part, and I’ll mainly be reviewing contemporary fiction. I’m also always looking for and trying to recommend diverse authors and reads.

For now, my posting schedule will be a bit arbitrary. Whenever I finish reading a book and writing the review, something will go up. But since I’m busy with school, I can have multiple updates in a month, or sometimes it will be a single review. I also don’t have a system for choosing what to review other than feeling out if it fits, but if anyone has something they would like my thoughts on specifically, let me know and I’ll try to write on it! However, I reserve the right to decide against reading and/or writing on something for whatever reason.

Follow me on Goodreads to keep up with updates.